Knights of the Pain Table

A Camelot for Sufferers of Chronic Pain
  • .: King Arthur Doth Speak :.

    “A great battle is a terrible thing,” the old knight said, “but in the midst of blood and carnage, there is sometimes also beauty, beauty that could break your heart.”
    ― George R.R. Martin, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

  • .:       Listen     :.

  • Care-charmer Sleep, son of the sable Night

    Posted By on May 16, 2013

    Sonnet LIV. "Care-charmer Sleep, son of the sable Night"

    Care-charmer Sleep, son of the sable Night,
    Brother to Death, in silent darkness born,
    Relieve my languish, and restore the light;
    With dark forgetting of my care return.

    And let the day be time enough to mourn
    The shipwreck of my ill-adventured youth:
    Let waking eyes suffice to wail their scorn,
    Without the torment of the night’s untruth.

    Cease, dreams, the images of day-desires,
    To model forth the passions of the morrow;
    Never let rising Sun approve you liars,
    To add more grief to aggravate my sorrow:

    Still let me sleep, embracing clouds in vain,
    And never wake to feel the day’s disdain.

    Samuel Daniel
    English (1562-1619)

    Samuel Daniel was an English poet born near Taunton in Somerset, the son of a music teacher.
    Daniel’s first book, “Delia”,dated 1592, was praised by Edmund Spenser. It contained a cycle of sonnets to Delia.
    Delia lived on the banks of Shakespeare’s river, the Avon, and the sonnets to her were inspired when the poet was in Italy.

    This sonnet is made of three quatrains and a couplet in iambic pentameter. Daniel was a great reformer of verse.
    Late in life Daniel retired to a farm called “The Ridge” at Beckington in Wiltshire where he died in 1619.

    Bella Beloved Dog Dies and Leaves Friend Tarra the Elephant

    Posted By on November 3, 2011

    Bella We Shall Remember Thee

    “What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in
    two bodies.”

    It is with deep sadness we have learned that Bella, a white dog,
    the best friend of Tarra, an Asian elephant, has passed away. Their
    friendship had become famous due to its uniqueness and great
    sincerity. The two met at the Elephant Sanctuary located in
    Hohenwald, Tennesse, USA. Tarra had been born in Burma and worked
    throughout her life traveling the world "entertaining"
    audiences in circuses, amusement parks, zoos, on television, and in
    motion pictures. In 1995, after 21 years of entertaining, Tarra was
    the first elephant to retire to the Elephant Sanctuary.

    Eight years ago, a white stray canine wandered onto the Elephant
    Sanctuary and befriended Tarra. These two loyal comrades would take
    walks with one another, cuddle up to each other and look out for one
    another. Bella even trusted Tarra to rub her stomach with her foot.
    They became inseparable friends.

    When Bella hurt her spine and could not walk for many weeks, Tarra
    held vigil for her friend till Bella could walk again. There was no
    doubt that their love knew no boundaries. Watch these inspiring

    This past Wednesday, it is believed that Bella was attacked
    tragically, by a coyote and killed. It then appears that her dear
    friend picked her up in her trunk and carried her back to the barn,
    so that her friend would not be left alone. Tarra is now mourning
    her best friend who stood by her day and night. She is turning to
    her sisters for comfort, as elephants are there for one another in a

    Many tears are falling in Camelot this night for a little dog
    named Bella and the unconditional love between a dog and an elephant.
    They humble us all by their example.

    May Bella play ball upon the meadows of heaven till she meets her
    friend once again in the greatest Sanctuary of all.

    Sweet Blessings to Bella and Tarra from Camelot,

    Lady Sharon
    Scribe of Camelot

    Norway’s Lament Resonates in Mitt Lille Land by Maria Mena

    Posted By on July 27, 2011

    Remembering Norway


    "Oh heavy loss thy country ill could bear!
    A loss these evil days can ne’er repair!"
    ~Robert Burns


    In silent lament from the depth of their hertes, the people of Norway hath stood together this week. When evil’s dark stream swept their dearest from their grasp, the darkness cast a shadow o’er their land.

    This shadow so dark, of speechless grief and dark despair reached across the seas in a gusty storm for all the earth to mourn. With each dawn, we doth share the sadness, the suffering and the shock.

    Norwegian singer Maria Mena has uploaded her version of Norwegian classic ‘Mitt Lille Land’, to her soundcloud page for streaming. This song called "My Little Country" with its beautiful track and lyrics has become linked with the emotional events of the past week.

    May these words help heal the deep wounds that have harmed this precious country.

    To all those in Norway, please accept our deepest sympathy in your great loss. All in Camelot keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

    With sweet light and healing thoughts from the Kingdom of Hertes,

    Lady Sharon, King Arthur, Queen Guinevere and All in Camelot

    Maria Mena and Sony Music Norway are now offering the song as a free download. You can get it by following this link.

    Mitt Lille Land

    My little country
    A little place, a handful of peace
    thrown out among mountain plateau and fjords

    My little country
    Where high mountains are planted
    among houses, people and words
    Where silence and dreams grow
    Like an echo in barren earth

    My little country
    Where the sea pats mild and soft
    like it’s caressing from coast to coast

    My little country
    Where stars glide by
    and becomes landscapes when it gets lighter
    while the night stands there – bleak and silent

    My little country
    A little place, a handful of peace
    thrown out among mountain plateau and fjords

    My little country
    Where high mountains are planted
    among houses, people and words
    Where silence and dreams grow
    Like an echo in barren earth

    Amy Winehouse- A Tearful Tribute from Broken Hertes in Camelot

    Posted By on July 24, 2011

    Amy Winehouse –
    Sweet Farewell


    "Sweet Nightingale! once more,….farewell.."
    ~S.T. Coleridge


    We heareth solemn music in the wind. Sad music in our hertes this nyght. A maiden with a voice of great beauty, named Amy Jade Winehouse, hath lost her light on this earth. The choral music of heav’ns multitude calleth her.

    "Amy, there is now music in thy wings. Go thou with music sweet, loud and enchanting".

    Thou shalt leave a mist of longing which many will miss. Melancholy shall rest upon the shoulders of those who loved thee.

    But now the sound of thy voice shall be our music on the twilight breeze. We shall remember thee singing songs like "You Know I"m No Good".

    In aery voyage we shall carry thee with our hertes forever. Be music with thy name.

    With tearful hertes,

    Lady Sharon and All in Camelot

    Visit the Official Website of Amy Winehouse

    Pain and Itch Signals Travel Through Separate Pathways in the Nervous System

    Posted By on July 22, 2011

    Pain and Itch Signals

    In the July, 2011 issue of Scientific American, Anna Kuchment interviews Zhou-Feng Chen, the Director of the Center for the Study of Itch at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo. Apparently approximately 17% of adults may suffer from chronic itch.

    At the Washington University School of Medicine they are trying to determine how the nervous system transmits the itch signal. It has been held as a popular belief that itch and pain were transmitted through the same pathway. However, Zhou-Feng Chen and his colleagues discovered, 3 years ago, a subset of neurons in mouse spinal cords through which all itch sensations pass.

    Through research we now know that itch signals are transmitted through separate pathways and that they antagonize pain signals.  This knowledge now offers the possibility of being able to block that particular molecular signaling pathway.

    One fascinating feature that has been discovered is the biological functions of pain and itch are different. If you feel pain, you will tend to withdraw to protect yourself, but if you feel an itch, you will move your hands toward it to relieve the itch.

    Zhou-Feng Chen and the researchers have still many unanswered questions. What causes the itch sensation initially? How does this information flow in the body and how do different kinds of diseases (such as psoriasis or kidney failure) activate the itch receptor?

    We look forward to discovering the secrets of the of the itch.

    Lady Sharon
    Scribe of Camelot

    Source: Scientific American

    “I Need a Dollar” by Aloe Blacc A Song of Deep Soulful Musings

    Posted By on July 18, 2011

    "I Need a
    D ollar" by Aloe Blacc


    Bad times are coming and I reap what I done sown
    Well let me tell you something: All that glitters ain’t gold
    It’s been a long old trouble, a long old troublesome road
    And I’m looking for somebody, come and help me carry this load


    Breaking softly, a plea for help calls out. A man is searching for answers ’cause he does not know if he is walking on solid ground anymore.

    Through an endless darkness, those who suffer pain understand what it is like when suddenly the world is pulled out from under you. Dazed, lost, feeling heavy you walk looking for somebody that understands.
    Listen to Aloe Blacc sing "I Need a Dollar".

    Like a choral hymn that reflects the turmoil of our times, Aloe Blacc delivers a soulful story that we truly feel. "Who can help me take away my sorrow" he asks. When we are suffering we meditate not only on our own sufferings but also on the world’s sufferings. We feel like fellow pilgrims since we see so much of his story in our story.

    The beauty in the song is the determination to find that dollar or that piece of hope to carry him through and the reflection on his spirit of being a good man.

    This prayer like song was written after Aloe Blacc lost his job. He poured his pains and uncertainties with great passion into a soothing soulful flame. "I Need a Dollar" spent eight weeks in the top ten in Britain. Aloe Blacc, this American soul singer, has now shot to prominence.

    We thanketh this bard, Aloe Blacc, for declaring his pains with such beauty so we can listen as his song ascends.

    For those this night who suffer in hours of long array, we share our story with you and pray for thy dollar if that is what thou needs.

    Lady Sharon
    Scribe of Camelot

    Visit Aloe Blacc’s Website

    “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” or “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth

    Posted By on July 2, 2011


    I wandered lonely as a cloud
    That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
    When all at once I saw a crowd,
    A host, of golden daffodils;
    Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
    Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

    Continuous as the stars that shine
    And twinkle on the milky way,
    They stretched in never-ending line
    Along the margin of a bay:
    Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
    Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

    The waves beside them danced, but they
    Out-did the sparkling leaves in glee;
    A poet could not be but gay,
    In such a jocund company!
    I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
    What wealth the show to me had brought:

    For oft, when on my couch I lie
    In vacant or in pensive mood,
    They flash upon that inward eye
    Which is the bliss of solitude;
    And then my heart with pleasure fills,
    And dances with the daffodils.

    By William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

    "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is usually considered Wordsworth’s most famous work. It was inspired on April 15, 1802 by an event in which Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy, came across a "long belt" of daffodils around Glencoyne Bay, Ullswater, in the Lake District. Wordsworth was inspired by his sister’s writing about the encounter with the daffodils.

    When we were in the woods beyond Gowbarrow Park, we saw a few daffodils close to the water side. We fancied that the lake had floated the seed ashore and that the little colony had so sprung up. But as we went along there were more and more and at last under the boughs of the trees, we saw that there was a long belt of them along the shore, about the breadth of a country turnpike road.

    I never saw daffodils so beautiful they grew among the mossy stones about and about them, some rested their heads upon these stones as on a pillow for weariness and the rest tossed and reeled and danced and seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind that blew upon them over the lake, they looked so gay ever dancing ever changing.

    This wind blew directly over the lake to them. There was here and there a little knot and a few stragglers a few yards higher up but they were so few as not to disturb the simplicity and unity and life of that one busy highway. We rested again and again. The Bays were stormy, and we heard the waves at different distances and in the middle of the water like the sea.

    — Dorothy Wordsworth, The Grasmere Journal , Thursday, 15 April 1802

    Dear Warriors, as each traverses upon thy path may you carry the sun in a golden cup in thy pocket of thy herte just like the poet holds the daffodils in his memory.

    Good night and good rest,

    Lady Sharon
    Scribe of Camelot