Knights of the Pain Table

A Camelot for Sufferers of Chronic Pain

Carly Rae Jepsen our Free Spirited Trobairitz Shines at Surrey Winterfest in B.C.

Carly   Rae  Jepsen  

Carly Rae Jepsen doth sing like a rapturous nightingale that hears only her own melody in thine heart.  Gentle like the wind, her voice knows its way and does not need to sound like those who have gone before.  With high boots, fringed gently flamed hair and a red surcoat, her petite presence was adorable and fascinating.

Under the stars at the Surrey Winterfest on Saturday, she sung a selection of songs ranging from “Torn” by Natalie Imbruglia, to her own personal compositions, such as “Sweet Talker”.    One ballad that seemed to shine was her Eurythmics cover of Bob Marley’s song “Waiting in Vain”.

After the concert, la belle Carly, lingered to chat with her admirers and pose in pictures with young fans.  Embroidered in grace, she was very approachable with a softness that emitted warmth. 

We did love this Canadian songstress on Canadian Idol, but now we doth love her more whilst in her presence. 

This is Carly Rae on Canadian Idol singing Janis Ian’s  “At Seventeen”.      A beautiful raw performance.

Our Trobairitz, Carly Rae of golden sunshine, your melody of light was a feast in the darkness of winter.  We thanketh you. 

Lady Sharon
Scribe of the Knights of the Pain Tabl

Update:  October 2008   Carly Rae Jepsen has just released her debut album “Tug of War”.  Visit her MySpace profile to hear the tracks on her new ablum.   Congratulations Carly Rae.  We believe you have just begun.


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4 Responses to “Carly Rae Jepsen our Free Spirited Trobairitz Shines at Surrey Winterfest in B.C.”

  1. Dawn says:

    I am really enjoying Carly’s music and new album. You right she is a free spirit and she seems like a good ole honest spirit, yet she is so young! I am really looking for to what else she is going to do in the Music Industry.

  2. Lady Sharon says:

    Hey Dawn,

    I’ve heard some of the tracks of Carly’s new album and they are very good. I’ve heard “Sunshine on my Shoulders” on the radio, which is a nice introduction to Carly’s talent. I think it will be very interesting to see where she goes. I think she will experiment and grow as an artist.

    Thank you Dawn for riding by our Kingdom and please visit anytime.
    Fare thee well,

    Lady Sharon

    Update: Listen to Carly at her MySpace Page
    And her album can be found here

  3. I like chat online, you ?

  4. Lady Sharon says:

    Dear noregistration,

    We have not ventured into the chat world yet. We thank you for asking and appreciate your question.

    We pray thee peace on your travels wherever they may lead.

    Lady Sharon
    Scribe of Camelot