Knights of the Pain Table

A Camelot for Sufferers of Chronic Pain

The Sun Set on Sir Lancelot, Robert Goulet – Thou will be Missed

Sir Lancelot’s Ride to Camelot

As thou rideth into the low mist, which cannot blot your shining star  Lancelot, thou will be missed.    Thy voice was a sweet tremble to this world.   Much thou hath traveled in the realm of music and behind thou hath left a treasure of memories.

Your son, Galahad on a white horse waits by the portal doors.

Adieu Sir Lancelot, just for today.

Behold, you will be home in Camelot by morrow.

May the stars hang bright to lead your way.

King Arthur
Knights of the Pain Table of Camelot

Robert Goulet has passed away at age 73 from a rare form of pulmonary fibrosis.  Our Lancelot, died Tuesday morning in Los Angeles.  He is survived by his third wife, Vera.   Goulet had a daughter, Nicolette, with his first wife, Louise Longmore, and two sons — Christopher and Michael — with his second wife, the actress Carol Lawrence.

Robert Gerard Goulet was born Nov. 26, 1933, in Lawrence, Massachusetts, the only son of French-Canadians Joseph and Jeannette Goulet. He won a Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical in 1968 for “The Happy Time”.  His illustrious career spanned decades.  We just wrote about his critical condition a few days ago.   We will miss our Sir Lancelot.

To send a message to Vera visit Robert Goulet’s website.

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

About The Author


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