Knights of the Pain Table

A Camelot for Sufferers of Chronic Pain

Kathryn and Legacy’s Chemistry is So Deep on So You Think You Can Dance

| November 27, 2009

Kathryn and Legacy and Sonya This week on the TV show,  “So You Think You Can Dance”,   two of our favourite dancers,   Kathryn McCormick and Legacy Perez,   performed an artistic piece of Jazz choreography that highlighted their beauty as dancers. Sonya Tayeh,  an American dancer and choreographer,  created their dance this week,  with her original […]

Medieval Lesson 105 – Jurat – Origin and Meaning of Word in Middle Ages

| November 27, 2009

Medieval Lesson 105 – Jurat Thy herte wilcumes thee back to the University of Camelot (U of C ).   My precious students come sit down upon thy wooden seat,  to satisfy thy thirst for this mead called knowledge. The more we do understand, the less we fear.   Let us now seek out the origin of […]