Knights of the Pain Table

A Camelot for Sufferers of Chronic Pain


Wilcume to Camelot

I have tried to create a refuge, a Camelot, for those who suffer pain.  Having suffered chronic pain, for half my life, I understand the immense impact that pain has on one’s life.  It can permeate into every corner of your life if it is severe enough.

Living with constant pain darkens our lives and the journey is arduous and wearisome.  And others cannot see, the unbelievable presence of pain in our journey.  Pain walks by your side, as a heavy shadow and when going uphill you must carry pain on your back, even when you stumble and fall.  Pain is forever hungry for your attention and you must cater to its needs, even at the expense of your own.   Even in the sunlight, pain will block the sun and you must find your way, blinded by the blackness.

But as any companion, pain can open doors within us that otherwise we would never open.   And in the darkness, we learn to use our other senses and instincts to survive.  We see things others do not see, as we have to look further and deeper.   Suffering is like a door to another world where we see the world with different eyes.  And as we travel on that lonely road, we recognize in others those eyes that have passed through that door.   And the deeper the pain and suffering the greater the test of your faith.   Pain will make you ask questions that will shake your soul.

As soon as you enter the gates of Camelot you become a Warrior of Pain, and I would like you to be proud of just making it this far.  To fight chronic pain, is one of the hardest battles of all.

As we begin this adventure,  I,  your humble Scribe, will introduce you to some of the subjects of this Kingdom.

King Arthur, the chosen King of Camelot, a War hero in the Dark Ages, will preside over the Pain Table and will share stories of his battles with his fellow Knights. A supreme chivalrous, but very human Knight, Arthur will lead us on our mythical quests as well as our quest for our Holy Grail.

Queen Guinevere of Camelot, wife of King Arthur, who will assure you do not forget beauty and art and passion.

Merlin, King Arthur’s advisor, prophet and magician will use his powers and wisdom to guide King Arthur and his Knights.

Noble Knights of the Pain Table will protect you and provide company and share their stories of their battles with the invisible Black Knight.  And all Knights will partake in tournaments and games.

Minstrels will arise to expand your spirits with mirth and good cheer.

As the scribe I offer that you read the Knight’s Code of Honor and A Code of Chivalry in the War of Chronic Pain,  as we want to illuminate our world in your heart.

Let us go forth now and I bid you to send me a missive, if you so wish, whether you are a Warrior of Pain or someone who stands beside someone who is a  Warrior of Pain.

God Bless Us All,

Lady Sharon, the Scribe of Camelot

To send a missive to Lady Sharon Email:

“It is the writer’s privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart.”

~William Faulkner

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